New Flavors Kicking Off 2025

Hey, Feel Good Cookies fam! It’s February and the weather in Michigan is cold and bitter. Our goal this year is to do more things that bring us joy and happiness and create more memories with our three boys.

In the Hmong culture, you’re obligated to say yes to everything and put everyone else above you. This is a hard one not to do because it’s ingrained in us. But as our kids get older, we realize how quickly they grow up, and our summers with them get shorter. We’re learning to prioritize what’s important to us, not others. We want to spend as much time as possible with them because, eventually, they’re going to take off and do their own thing. 

This month we launched three new flavors and brought back the red velvet. Our customers asked us over and over last year to bring back the red velvet. It was one of the flavors we started with, but it didn’t do well, so it was replaced with the other flavors. After it was gone, people kept telling us it was their favorite cookie.

Andrew wasn’t happy with the taste of the cookie. Since we don’t use dye in any of the cookies, we use beet powder to give the cookie the color red. He wanted to lessen the beet powder flavor. So, he created a 2.0 version of the red velvet. The taste is a lot richer and more buttery. It definitely tastes better!

red velvet cookie

The other flavors we launched are ube, raspberry pistachio, and sugar cookies. All unique flavors.

We get asked all the time to add a certain cookie flavor to our collection, we keep the suggestions in mind, and decide what flavor to launch next based on the season, the holidays, and what aligns with our brand. We want to create the best version of that cookie flavor.

Let’s start off with ube.

What is ube? Ube is a purple yam originally from the Philippines. Every time I tell customers who don’t know what it is, they say, “ew,” “nope, not for me.” It’s not the same as a purple sweet potato. It has a nutty, vanilla taste, and it is very popular in Asian desserts, especially in Filipino cuisine. The customers that do know what it is is in love with the cookie.

Since the launch of our ube cookies, it’s been selling out every week. Y’all, it’s delicious. It’s a light cookie. It falls in the same category as our signature cookie: pandan almond coconut.


The next flavor is the raspberry pistachio. We wanted to make a cookie flavor that was unique. The base has a raspberry flavor, and it’s drizzled with homemade pistachio glaze. The pistachio drizzle is delicious. It would taste good on any type of cookie. We top the cookie with some freeze-dried raspberry and salted pistachio.


The sugar cookie is a requested flavor. We were hesitant to launch the sugar cookie because we felt like it was a boring cookie, but our customers requested it. When we get a lot of requests for a particular flavor, we will usually make it. We believe in testing out different cookie flavors even if they are not our favorite.

Andrew wanted to make sure this sugar cookie was made with great experience. He does not settle for mediocrity. He wanted this cookie to be crunchy on the outside and moist and buttery on the inside. He wants to be the sugar cookie anyone has ever tasted.

Sugar cookie

That is it! These are our new flavors for quarter one of 2025. If you’re not a local and would love to try out our cookies, we ship our cookie gift boxes anywhere in the US and to Canada. Just click HERE.

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